Monday, January 21, 2008

Victims Of Violence

If you are a victim of violence in your home, there are some things you should be doing. These are for all victims, not just the ones with a plan to leave at this point. These are things that should be done in all situations of abuse.

These simple things can help in all situations relating to abuse, such as, custody cases, restraining orders, divorce proceedings and even arrest warrants.

First and foremost, keep a diary. Make sure you enter all mood changes, arguments, actual abuse and the dates. Make sure you give detailed descriptions of injuries. If you go to the hospital, write which hospital, the excuse you used for the injury, the names of the nurses and doctors that treated you. This diary could one day aid you more than you know. Be sure it is kept in the safest of places but easily accessible.

The second most important thing I can tell you to get is a camera. I wish every woman had a polaroid but that would be to much to ask. If you do have a polaroid, tape the pictures in the diary next to the description of injuries. If you do not a 35mm would be best. Take pictures of all injuries and keep the film in a safe place. If you ever need them all you need to do is get them developed. Make sure to mark the film containers by putting the months and years on a piece of paper inside the container. That way it is easier to match to diary entries later.

If you can, you should get a safety deposit box in order to keep film and important papers like a copy of the previous diaries, medical papers, a copy of your ID and social security card, birth certificates and shot records for children. If a safety deposit box is not possible, pack a shoe box or lock box, with these same items and leave with a neighbor, friend or family member. If you are concerned someone will open it, wrap it up like a present, I have found this usually keeps even the nosiest of people out of it.

Life is never easy, but it is unbelievably hard for a woman that has to hide everything from the person she is supposed to be able to trust. Make no mistake you can do without these things, but it makes things so much easier if you have them. Right now, you are probably thinking, how can I get all these things and hide them. My answer to you is, if your man hits you and you get up, instead of letting him keep you down, you can do anything!!!!!